Last September I ventured off to Morning Gloryville South London for a little boogie, a healthy environment and some good vibrations. I was really excited to get my blood pumping and get lots of happy endorphins running through my body (an absolute must on the way into winter). True to it's location, this event had a little south London edge, inclusive of a more casual crowd and also a semi m.cing host and performances. While I was there for the feel good feeling, It was much to my surprise to come away feeling inspired by a chap called Ruari Obriain. He performed a really beautifully presented poem to the crowd which not only reignited the feeling of 'connectedness' within me but also reinforced my belief that we can all be an inspiration to one other and express ourselves through our own individuality and passions. It's when we home into what makes us individuals and share our gifts with sincerity, that we truly leave a little magic wherever we go. I left the event with a real desire to share the insightful words that I had heard from him, which is he kindly agreed to. Naturally I found out that he is the host of Lyrically Challenged, a lovely event held at Passing Clouds with an open mic for poets and poetry. "I get inspired to write through the constant urge to express myself really. I was always so cr*p at English, reading, writing and so on but I always liked sharing story's and myself". And what a gorgeous way to share it. The lyrics to his poem are below, alongside a little video of his performance. We all have masses of inspiration within us to offer, we just have to follow what makes us sing. Enjoy! x We are the spirit that lives in everything Greater than the identity encoded in your fingerprint Your existence expands far beyond the surface of your skin Past the realms where u have been astral travelling In this outward spiral that's constantly unraveling Like the theory of string Becoming the vines of scared medicine That Bring us to our highest intelligence Where we stop seeing the differences in each other and start seeing the reflections Stop living separate and start making the connections Open your heart and let go of all negative perceptions No longer seeing events as good or bad and just honoring the experience And there is no such thing is a coincidence Because a co-in-ci-dence is just a code-in-silence That's been put here to re-mind-us That this life is a dream manifestating from our own fears and desires So let the fear burn up in the fires Embrace life to be inspired Because love is our natural instinct We do more that just energetically interlink We are the spirit that lives in everything From the warmest summer To the freshest spring The loudest laughter Against the whispers in the passing wind The darkest night Followed by the brightest morning The laws of impermanence Symbolized in the flowers growing and petals falling Forests, mountains Waterfalls pouring As the creator is drawing, a silent audience Listening to a poet talking About this crazy dream we live in smaller and bigger than we could ever imagine From the invisible force of a spinning atom To vibrations of love That cover the existence in geometric patterns As we beam with sparkles of internal happiness Our hearts center in perfect balance May light attract light under the laws of attraction As we are humbled with respect, sincerity, love and compassion We are the spirit that lives in everything By Ruarai Obrian 8 years ago I embarked on a quest to learn reiki after having had a truly mind altering session.
Over the years it's become a therapy that I have grown to love immensely and I have also really enjoyed watching my understanding and application of it evolve. The best thing that I can say about reiki is that you almost need to not understand it in order to understand it. It's about trust. It's also about intention and intuition and with these three concepts aligned you open yourself up to a world of possibility which is only limited by your faith and imagination. Having completed my training so many years ago, I decided that I would like to refresh my knowledge so that I can fulfill my qualification as a master practitioner and go on to teach people reiki myself one day. Much to my delight, my teacher Janie from The Healing Company was hosting a level 1 reiki course down in Cheltenham at the Isbourne Centre and accepted my offer to be her humble assistant for the day. It's so important to surround yourself with people who practice your passions and Janie is highly experienced in both reiki and reflexology and completely overflowing with sincerity, playfulness and passion; my kinda gal. As we set out to host 8 intrigued and soon to be practitioners, the day just fell into place all by itself. I soon realised how beneficial it was for me to refresh all this ancient wisdom and how beautifully empowering and healing it's concepts are. Here are the key things that will help you to understand reiki:
While I absolutely love treating myself and others and have developed what I can only describe as an astute intuition through reiki, what I discovered during 1 day as a teaching assistant was quite astonishing. It was absolutely beautiful being part of the process of enabling others to learn and practice this wonderful therapy. To watch people develop and tune into new behaviors and frequencies right before my very eyes is rewarding on a completely different level to healing. Being part of nurturing people to grow by passing on these ancient teachings and facilitating them to use it was an experience which filled me with happiness, honor, pride and purpose. In teaching others you learn yourself, so the reward is continually circulating. I look forward to hosting my own classes when the time is right some time soon and to further collaborations with my star teacher Janie. Get in touch for reiki treatments and more information. It's a wonderful technique to play with! ![]() "Reflex-what? Is it like a foot massage?" Words that I frequently hear which genuinely make me shudder and twitch simultaneously. Reflexology is an art. It combines the wonders of acupressure, energy work and massage all into one, stimulating the body's natural healing processes and releasing tension from the nervous system and your energy zones so that your body heals into a natural state of homeostasis (equilibrium). Reflexology is a holistic therapy, which means you will be treated as a whole person. Treating your symptoms is frivolous if there is no attention placed on the root of the issue. Reflexology is not a cure for ailments but is a wonderful way to aid the body's natural healing abilities and is fantastic when used in conjunction with other medical practices (always check with your doctor if you are on any medication). Anyone can benefit from reflexology treatments and reflexology is outstanding when used as preventative health care, strengthening the immune system, reinforcing relaxation, detoxifying the body, calming the mind and releasing emotional imbalances. A very long time ago; around 2500 BC, the Egyptians were the first to document the use of reflexology. It has certainly been practiced at length over thousands of years in China and went on to be adapted in Europe to become a more therapeutic and tender treatment. Over the past 100 years many practitioners of reflexology have developed maps of the feet, locating zones to where correlating organs are connected (through the nervous system) to certain points on the feet. All of the thousands of nerves in the entire body are connected to the hands, face and feet. This means that you can stimulate certain areas of the feet to non-invasively stimulate other organs in the body. These maps enable us to tailor treatments to specifically aid the body and its organs to realign energetically, reinforce healing for a broad range of conditions, stimulate functionality, release tension and improve circulation. I personally have specialised in pregnancy reflexology and spinal reflexology. Reflexology treatments are highly versatile. Sessions can aid the treatment of stress, menstruation issues, back pain, muscular skeletal discomforts, digestive issues, arthritis, migraines and be used to stimulate fertility to name but a few. Its benefits are astronomical. Of course everyone responds to treatments differently. Some people are hyper sensitive to reflexology, improvements can bee seen within a session or two and other conditions need a build up of 5-6 treatments to help the body go back into alignment. So what's a reflexology treatment like? ![]() Biased I know, but it's absolute bliss! Firm pressure is applied to the hands, face or feet using the thumbs and fingers to stimulate the varying reflex points in either area. For those who are squeamish about their feet, allow me to reassure you. You'll be lying horizontal, tucked in safely, with music and scents to stimulate all of your senses. To have reflexology is to suddenly have an epiphany of how soothing and releasing it is to have your feet attended to. The release, relief and subtle energetic liberation that you experience during a session is simply divine. Reflexology treatments can sometimes feel tender, more on a pleasure pain side of things and this normally reflects the imbalance of a particular reflex point. An excellent practitioner will know how to apply pressure both gently and firmly, in a precise manner whilst providing a wonderful massage simultaneously. You'll drift away into no man's land within moments and awaken into a re-enrgised, invigorated and soothed haven. I full heartedly advise anyone to have a treatment of some description at least once a month as part of your own personal maintenance and care. For more information on how reflexology can help you please feel free to get in touch! ![]() I have the best reflexology wax in town and I think it's time I made a little fuss about it. Reflexology is most certainly one of my passions and I have found that the right tools make the world of difference when providing your client with an outstanding reflexology treatment. After trying talc, corn flower and oil over the course of two years, at long last, I found one of the best products that I have had the pleasure to literally have in my hands. It's consistency is second to none. Any reflexologist will know that precision, grip and fluidity are key factors in conducting a fabulous reflexology session. With the perfect ratio of key ingredients such as natural vitamin e, olive oil and beeswax, you can be sure that you will be providing your clients with the best natural products and the best experience they could desire. While these yummy ingredients offer a neutral, unscented wax, Songbirds have been busy mixing up some jazzy scents as well, to provide a little pizzazz to those who like a touch of aroma. Still in keeping with their 100% natural mixtures, you can also enjoy: *Tea Tree and Mint for a refreshing, invigorating and detoxifying experience. *Zest which is a delightful blend of lime and mandarin. To really keep your zest for life flowing you'll be happy to know that a percentage of each sale goes to the Iris Cancer Partnership to support the valuable ongoing work of training complimentary therapists to work with cancer patients. *Lavender which is antiseptic, astringent and of course incredibly calming and relaxing. The best news is that all reflexologists receive a practitioner's discount with Songbirds, making your purchase not only organic but also affordable, and that to me is most certainly something to sing about. For more information on Songbirds and their range of reflexology and massage waxes, have an eyeball at their website Avril Gill from Newlands Development - Healer, mum and fabulous role model.I believe that our destiny lies in our own hands and that we all have power and choice to make all of own dreams and wants a reality. For those of us who aren't exactly sure of how to do that, there are an abundance of healers, mentors, coaches and general super people around to give you the tools to make it happen. I was lucky enough to meet Avril about 4 years ago on my NLP Practitioners training course and since then, have marvelled at her development in providing profound healing experiences and highly accredited hypnosis courses. Being Scottish she has the benefit of wondrously soothing, dulcet tones when she delivers a trance meditation. Being a remarkable healer she delivers her trance mediation experience in a way which leaves you dribbling in your chair and travelling to spaces which you're never quite able to fathom. I've worked with Avril personally to overcome unwanted habits and through her website, using the fabulous mediation videos that she has been kind enough to share with us free of charge. I've literally just melted in my chair with her - New Year Generative Trance Abundance Meditation. It's a really lovely way to truly integrate all of the abundance that you deserve into your mind and body in a wonderfully harmonious way. Regardless as to whether you have tried meditation before or not, I full heartedly recommend giving it a whirl. There is no right or wrong way to meditate, you're simply opening yourself to abundance and bliss! Enjoy. xx To check out her courses or to find out about how hypnotherapy can help you to hop, skip and jump into the life that you dream of, check out her website
One of the keys to self motivation is having an arsenal of the things which help to trigger or reinforce your positivity and frame of mind. This beautiful song by Greg Henderson is top of the list! Great lyrics with a happy go lucky disco melody. Enjoy. xx "Dreamin', gotta keep believing. Dreamin' wont dream for you . . . You can do what you want to. You can have what you need, You can be who you want to be, It can happen if you just believe. Just believe in yourself. You must think positive. Don't you know that you can be the person that you want to be. Just believe in ourself. You must think positive. Don't you know that you can be the person that you want to beeeeeeee." It's such an utter delight to be asked to provide a treatment at the recommendation of someone else.
The number 1 best way to build a loyal client base is through word of mouth, so imagine my joy when I was approached by the ladies at 10 PR and asked if I would be interested in offering a treatment to Jane Lawrenson of the Chiswick Herald for her piece on reflexology. I must admit, I was a little nervous as I made my way over for her treatment. Being welcomed into a strangers home however, under an unspoken agreement of nurturing, healing and trust immediately puts any fears at bay. There is something very special about having the honor to help someone, (especially when it's someone that you don't know) and seeing them surrender to you so completely so that you can heal them. It was nice to see that Jane felt the same! Here are a few lines from the lovely write up that Jane put together about our session. "It is always a bit nerve wracking inviting a stranger to your home but Veronica arrived on cue and put me at ease straight away. She is a lovely, friendly lady with a serene vibe, obviously used to a clients apprehension, but in no time at all we were chatting and she was unpacking her kit-bag and setting out for the treatment." "It was very relaxing and actually quite comforting, something I didn’t expect it to be. I felt very safe and nurtured throughout the whole massage." "All in all it was a lovely treatment which I think is enhanced by being in your own environment and Veronica being such a lovely practitioner. I would recommend her to anyone, and indeed am looking forward to my next visit! 10/10. " To see the full editorial, please click here. Thanks so much Jane! We all have aches and pains of some description. If you've ever wished you knew a few little tricks to help you feel back to fabulous look no further. Reflexology works on the face, hands, feet and even the ears, and is an incredible way to stimulate the nervous system enabling all of your organs to perform at their optimum best. Each area of your hand/foot/face/ear is connected to a part of your body and by applying pressure and massaging these specific pressure points you ultimately encourage these organs to function more efficiently. Sounds incredible right? This crafty little healing therapy stems back from China, India and ancient Egypt dating back to 2300 BC, so has certainly been helping the world to heal throughout the ages. Today's entry invites you try out 5 simple steps to helping relive the discomfort of carpel tunnel syndrome, whilst encouraging your body to heal it'self and eliminate toxins. The motion you want to create when using reflexology is referred to as thumb walking: Apply firm pressure to an area, shuffle forward, if you notice any grit or bubble like consistencies under the skin please do circular motions on the area and then shuffle forward, apply pressure again and shuffle forward. Do this until all the recommend points have been stimulated. Step 1: The Cervical Vertebrae.![]() There are 7 discs to the cervical vertebrae. This reflex is located along the side ridge of the bone of your thumb and should be stimulated/massaged using 7 firm steps along the area. Start at the same point that is demonstrated in the diagram, apply pressure using the pad of your thumb and shuffle forward until you have stimulated all 7 points and reached the area just before your joint. Go over this area several times. If any of the points are painful then please go over them as much as possible and do large circular movements. The pain simply shows that that the reflex point is out of balance so will require more attention. You will notice the pain diminish the more you go over it. Do this on both the right and left hand. Step 2: The Thoracic VertebraeLeading on from the cervical vertebrae reflex, the thoracic vertebrae reflex continues in 12 points along the ridge of the hand, continuing on from the thumb working towards the wrist. You will need to thumb walk and apply pressure in 12 steps until you reach the curvature of the hand before the wrist. Again, if any areas feel painful, crunchy or bubbly, that's your cue to increase attention to the area (if you can tolerate it) and make large circular motions. Do this on both the right and left hand. Step 3: The shoulder reflex.![]() You'll find this reflex in between the outer two metacarpal bones (your hand bones). Apply pressure from approximately a centimetre below the knuckle and shuffle down for 4 steps. You'll notice this area can be quite tender and as before apply pressure and large circular motions on any spots which are painful, gritty or bubbly. Do this on both the right and left hand. Step 4: The Adrenal Glad Relfex![]() This little gem is your pain relief guru. The adrenal gland releases cortisone and will help your body to manage and regulate it's pain relief. This point is at the top of the spongiest part of your hand (a smidge lower than it appears in the diagram). You'll know when you've hit the spot as you'll experience quite a sharp and deep sensation once it's been stimulated. Press deeply on this area and use circular motions. You can use this point whenever you are in any pain. Do this on both the right and left hand. Step 5: The Arm and Elbow Reflex![]() This reflex can be found at the top outer ridge of the hand just by the knuckle as is demonstrated in the diagram. Apply pressure to this first point and make your way down the ridge of the hand. Around three shuffles should suffice, remember to add pressure, make circular motions and spend extra time on any spots which are painful, gritty or bubbly. Do this on both the right and left hand. I hope that was helpful and stay tuned for more DIY reflexology.
Love, love, love x ![]() Last month I had the delight of joining 10 PR and We Grill for a pop up collaboration designed to relaunch brand awareness of the renown Ecco shoe company. The scene was set at the IPC Media centre in London Bridge where big names such Country Life, Marie Claire and In Style magazines host their publishing. Ecco are renown as an outdoorsy brand with high quality leather, outstanding craftsmanship and upmarket clientèle, originating in Denmark and recognised globally. The plan for the day was to embrace their clean living persona by offering journalists an escape from the office where they could reacquaint themselves with some of Ecco's new pieces on the market, whilst indulging in some freshly made, invigorating smoothies by the outstanding team @ We Grill, followed by a holistic session, where I invited the journalists to sample a 15 minute treatment of either reflexology, reiki or Indian head massage, leaving them feeling renewed and nurtured before having to plough on back in the office. ![]() The shoes were pretty nice to be fair, if not a tad expensive. Whilst the women's styles were classic, I must say it was the kids shoes which won my heart (naturally). They were funky, colourful and creative and most certainly the ones that I would consider wearing. The smoothies offered by We Grill were simply delicious. Fresh ingredients, all of our favourite natural powdered super foods and a unique combination of flavours. They are on the cusp of opening a restaurant in Leadenhall Market offering lots of fabulous and yummy healthy lunch options. Stay tuned for their grand opening! ![]() The day was hosted and brought together by 10 PR, which much to my surprise comprised of just two magical ladies, both young, vibrant and professional. As the day developed I was able to witness the true spirit of 10 PR which exuded integrity, honesty, intelligence and a down to earth nature. They are two women who know what they strive for, are passionate about their brand and have full confidence in their abilities. A breath of fresh air, especially within the PR and fashion sector. I must say I actually thoroughly enjoyed the day. I was able to meet some really great people, all on the path to freedom by striving for the success of their own ventures and I got to promote Healed Soles in doing so. Amongst those people was a freelance writer named Lili who stood out from the crowd both in her unique style and wonderful demeanour. She is the creator and one of the writers of lifestyle blog Beauty and the Snob, a really brilliantly written and varied blogazine covering destinations, restaurants, clothing, beauty treatments and more. After a 15 minute Indian head massage she very sweetly complimented both my technique and touch and went on to create this lovely write up about our encounter here (scroll half way down the page to see my feature). Awesome stuff, thanks so much Beauty! I'm certainly looking forward to further collaborations in the future. ![]() For the past year and a half I have been working at an incredible hair salon called 10500 who are by far the most edgy and alternative salon that I have worked with during my time. They are based in the heart of Portabello with an uber creative décor, unique team and incredible flair for creativity and versatility; this fabulous place has been standing strong for the past 17 years. Having embraced new age thinking within the business, this groovy space not only holds pioneers of hairdressing but also promotes a healthy and inspired approach to life. From their environmentally conscious products, filtered water, natural hair treatments, lemon water and even the fruit they put in their cocktails on Saturdays (mwah ha ha) the vibe in the salon is - if it's good for you, we want some of it. We have hosted yoga classes, believe in our morning smoothies, share tips on vitamins and supplements and above all look for alternative approaches to deal with illness and pain. What's most lovely of all is that they are in full support of my Healed Soles venture and strongly believe in the benefits of coaching. The Junior Stylists receive monthly coaching and mentoring sessions with me, aiding their development, training and salon conduct. It's honestly a pleasure to be able to combine my passions within my other work place. Have a look at this lovely post written on the salon blog about yours truly, Healed Soles and how this whole venture came to be. Thank you guys! ![]() Over the past 6 years I have been practising reflexology and building my skills and knowledge in alternative therapies. It’s something which I can honestly say I was naturally drawn to. Like many I have spent several years not really knowing what to ‘be’ and it’s probably only in the last 2 years that I decided to follow what seemed to be my natural instinctual flow and full heartedly dedicate myself to building a business which promotes health, wellness, happiness and development. I now know that if I apply myself and dedicate myself fully and continuously that positive results will come. If you continuously plant seeds and nurture them, life will grow. I’ll tell you the truth, it has been daunting being solely responsible for my own success and still is to some degree. How will I know when I'm successful? My successes can only be measured by the little mile stones that bring real significance and fulfilment to my efforts, which have thus far been created by broadening my knowledge and through client satisfaction. Today I have a new mile stone! I can’t tell you how proud, happy and grateful I am. Well actually I can J. I’m so very pleased, proud and genuinely touched to say that I have had my first write up published in the London Magazine recommending me as one of the top 5 reflexologists in all of London. WOW! What an honour. The renown beauty editor Edwina Ings-Chambers has included me in this month’s write up on alternative health professionals and the response I have had from it has been truly phenomenal. A big thanks to Edwina. Have a little look and celebrate with me! YES! Love Veronica xx ![]() I want to make feeling good feel easy. That’s it. I am on a quest to maintain and nurture the most glorious life possible. Despite the cliché, over the years I have learnt to realise that your external experience; whilst being highly influential, can only manipulate your joy so much. Happiness is a choice. It’s a habit, a discipline, a life style. It’s the old chestnut of enjoying the journey and not seeking the destination or learning to dance in rain rather than waiting for the storm to pass. It can be challenging and can quite often require attention and awareness. Like many things however, when actively applied consistently, it becomes a habit and a way of life. As life works so wonderfully in cycles I find that sometimes I can master this objective and other times I fall into the depths of despair, but that makes me human right? All I can truly do is continue to infiltrate my life, my thoughts and my surroundings with things that help me to feel good, whilst trust that with an internal and external injection of fabulous that it will become easy. So what if we all make an effort to do this? What if we all make a choice to choose the positive thought over the negative one? To make a solution rather than give energy and momentum to the problem. What if we all do more of what we love and put love in all that we do? What if we find a truly elegant way of conveying our feelings and intentions without causing offence or placing blame? We are definitely in a time where people are increasingly aware of how powerful this is but are we actually making it our lifestyle yet? I recently read through Jim Rohn: “Lifestyle means designing ways to live uniquely. It’s a skill to be mastered, not a condition to be pursued. Lifestyle is finding new ways to bring joy, pleasure, excitement and substance into our lives and into the lives of those we care for while we are working on our goals, not once we have achieved them.” I know this is something many of us do naturally and experience at times, but what would happen if we all did it intentionally and consciously all the time? Would we live lives more outstanding than ones we lead today? Is it feasible? I’d say utterly, incredibly, completely and massively. So my bid a Healed Soles is simple. I’m going to do my darndest to live, breathe and be this lifestyle. What’s more, I want to share it all with you. Happiness is an all rounder. It's enjoying love, sharing with family and friends, reaching your goals, doing your bit, producing something, inspiring those around you, looking after your body, your mind and your spirit and then finding more fun, creative and effective ways of doing it. So let’s do it together. Let’s build momentum, support and energy into productive positivity and see how great we can truly be. Healed Soles spent a day at Purley festival on Sunday 3rd July spreading healing
and balance amongst the community of South London. Launched for the very first time this year from June 27th to July 3rd this festival is an opportunity for residents and companies throughout Purley and surrounding areas to network, promote and share their skills. I was very excited to be part of such an eclectic combination of organizations who joined together to make this blossoming event a success. Throughout the week the festival showcased a variety of talented musicians, charities, food stalls, boutique clothes stores and health and fitness companies uniting to provide tasters to the public. I was fortunate enough to be invited down by Belief Radio to promote Healed Soles, helping to reinforce their ethos of positivity, healing and progression. Belief Radio is one of the many branches from the grand tree of Belief Global, an organization set up by a gentleman called Richard Smith who's goal is to create a brand which engages in a wide range of activities including personal development, education, business mentoring and spreading positivity and belief that anything is possible check out It's actually a really beautiful concept and delivered in an inspiring and comprehensive way. Myself and Anne-Marie Carratu, fellow Reiki Master and Director of Reiki Light ( teamed up to host a stall offering taster treatments in reflexology, reiki and Indian head massage. We took the day by storm spreading the holistic word, treating a variety of aches and pains and networking with a plethora of businesses. What an amazing day. I look forward to working with Belief Global in the future and continuing to be part of such a positive and inspiring vision. From the donations given for my taster treatments I was able to raise £45 which has been donated to my sponsored skydive for Breast Cancer Campaign taking place on the 30th July in Kent. Please see and you would like to show your support. Over all the Purley festival was a successful day. Two big thumbs up! In a mere 30 minutes of my afternoon I have been profoundly moved, experienced the beauty of hope, unity and reminded that little old me can and will make a difference. It is time we all reminded ourselves of the power, magic and love which can be created simply by one person taking a stand to ask “shouldn’t we be helping each other out”? Kony 2012 is screaming from the rooftops the tale of sheer horror that thousands of children and families are currently facing throughout Africa. Abduction, rape, violence, fear, loss and despair are only a few words which begin to scratch the surface of what our fellow human beings are experiencing. Joseph Kony a man of war, who is relentlessly spreading his barbaric vision of reality across nations must be brought to light. It is through our ignorance and inaction that this man prevails. It is through compassion, unity, love and strength that we will triumph. Please educate yourselves by watching this video by the Kony 2012 movement, help in whatever way resonates with you and share this incredible movement as much as you can. I believe this is one of many profoundly beautiful messages that can be applied worldwide to reinforce the freedom, equality and care that we all deserve.
Find their video on Youtube You can find out about other ways to help on or It's time to do some thing lovely people. We are all capable of so much. It just takes one step. We can all support and help to change everything we believe in. For all you poorly souls out there I present you a perfect concoction of nature’s natural remedy’s combined with some secret reflexology healing wonders all designed to help you combat your tortuous colds and flus from the inside and out. Top 5 saviour ingredients: 1. Olive oil Cough, cough . . . not so commonly used but if you have an irritating little tickle that you can’t shake this is your new best friend. A few spoonful’s throughout the day will work wonders. This magic little oil is great for your hair and skin, it can enhance your immune system, fight off infections, soothe inflammation and will ease that dry tickle we’d all rather live without. 2. Garlic Not only great for fending off vampires and potential romances garlic has excellent anti-viral properties and is another immune-system boosting super star. Raw or cooked, garlic is not only an excellent bacterial combat but has also proven to work wonders with the lymphatic system which improves the body’s ability to cleanse and also nourishes our most valued organs such as the lungs and heart. A few bulbs a day should do the trick but please note that too much raw garlic can be a tad aggravating on ones stomach. 3. Salt water Suffering from a sore throat, swollen glands or horrible cough? I little bit of salt in warm water gargled 4 times a day will rock your world. Pain reduction is instant, the salt forces any mucus to vacate the premises, desensitises the throats pain fibres and washes away inflammatory chemicals which are normally trapped by the mucus that once was. 4. Enchinacea A plant extract from the Asteraceae (daisy family) is notoriously known for lending a hand in keeping our immune systems strong. Its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties are an excellent boost if taken from the early stages of illness. You can pick some up at your local Boots or health food store and have a few doses throughout the day. (It is recommended to not exceed a daily use of 2 weeks just to make sure your immune system remembers how to do the job itself.) 5. Ginger A natural wonder. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED cut into small pieces in a natural tea with sliced lemons and honey . . . yum! It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Like the others ginger is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is proven as an excellent weapon for preventing and combating colds, sore throats and inflammation whilst incredibly reducing fever and gently easing you to sleep with its sedative properties. Top 5 secret DIY Reflexology points ![]() As numbered in diagram. 1. Adrenals – to increase cortisone production (our bodies natural pain relief) 2. Spleen – to boost the immune system 3. Eustachian tube – to ease pain and built up toxins from sniffles and sneezing 4. Sinuses – to release pressure, inflammation and toxins 5. Head – great for relaxation and easing headaches or tension. How to do it? Place the pad of your thumb on the desired reflex, apply pressure and make a circular motion. For larger areas apply the same technique and just shuffle along making sure you cover the whole section. If it is sensitive or feels crunchy then you need to work on that area until the pain and crunchiness disappears. Get those thumbs in motion, you can do it at home, on the bus or when you’re watching T.V! A piece of cake! For you wiz kids who like to know a little more in depth information here are some links I found useful. for further information on Echinacea ![]() . . . which is great news for the public and great news for reflexologists. With an increasing interest and demand of holistic therapies it is no surprise that many treatments are now available on the NHS including reflexology. The benefits of alternative medicine have become a lot more visible in these past years, so why shouldn’t it be accessible for everyone? According to The Princes of Wales Trust for Integrated Health "Research has shown that approximately 20% of the UK population use complementary healthcare, with nearly 50% of GP practices offering some form of access to complementary treatments." Since the House of Lords select committee on science and technology published a report in 2000 on complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) recommending national occupational standards are made on all therapies. With standardised training and updated courses keeping practitioners up to date it will be easier for therapists to be employed and referred to by leading medical bodies. Please see Such standards have resulted in the need of further research being made into CAM treatments thus increasing the justification for their inclusion on the NHS. Some PCTs (primary care trusts) provide funding for reflexology for certain conditions, but in general, access to reflexology is limited on the NHS. So how do those who can’t afford Reflexology on a regular basis qualify to have it on the NHS? states that “Primary care trusts often have specific policies on the extent to which their patients can have access to CAM. Within those policies, it is the decision of GPs to give access to specific therapies where they consider it in the interest of the individual patient. The safety, clinical, cost-effectiveness and availability of suitably qualified/regulated practitioners are all issues that they should take into account.” Reflexology is incredible when used frequently for pre and post natal recovery, pre and post surgical aid and also used to ease the symptoms and recovery of those with cancer (please check out during treatment and post treatment. Treatments will aid your body’s own healing process, help to rebalance its systems and can specifically target any areas of sensitivity. Interestingly enough, I found a document on on holistic health where a year-long pilot scheme in Northern Ireland found significant health benefits for patients offered CAM through the public health service. 713 patients with a variety of ages, conditions and backgrounds were referred to CAM. Some of the results included: · “80% of patients reported an improvement in their symptoms, · 64% took less time off work · 55% reduced their use of painkillers. · 81% of patients reported an improvement in their physical health · 79% reported an improvement in their mental health · Half of GPs reported prescribing less medication and all reported that patients had indicated they needed less” The GP’s involved were amazed and in 99% of cases they said they would refer patients and other GPs to this scheme. The higher the demand for reflexology and other CAMs the greater the possibility will become for increased funding from the NHS in these sectors. As reflexologists we must encourage our clients who have financial difficulties to ask their GP's for funded treatments, the more people asking, the louder the message will become and to all clients of reflexology I encourage you to tell your GP's how you're benefiting from Reflexology and make inquiries about funded treatments. The NHS already supports the benefits of reflexology and is creating awareness through so lets hope we are not much further away from it being available to everyone. |